Alice in Wonderland

"If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary-wise; what it is it wouldn't be, and what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?"

Lewis Carroll

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Author Interview

Rose Marie Dunphy

About the Author
Rose Marie Calicchio Dunphy was born in the region of Puglia, Italy, in Castellaneta (the same town as silent film star Rudolph Valentino).  She is one of only three women who immigrated to the U.S. from Italy and have written about their experience.   
A New York State-licensed Science and English teacher (BA from St. Joseph’s College, MA from Stony Brook University), she is an author, editor, public speaker and excellent cook.  She’s been interviewed by The Palm Beach Post, Channel 11 News in Phoenix and in a number of online sites in the U.S. and Italy.  She is a winner of Dan’s Papers 2015 Literary Prize for Non-Fiction.

Her books include:
1-Orange Peels and Cobblestones, a novel based on a true experience.                                       
    2-Ciottoli e Bucce D’Arancia, the Italian translation of the novel.        
    3-That First Bite-Chance or Choice, a non-fiction book about eating disorders using the 12-Step         Program of AA to deal with and heal from the disease.                                                             
    4-The Scent of Italian Cooking, a book of recipes gleaned from generations of Italian women and        men that delight everyone's nostrils and palates.                                                                      
    5-The Love of Your Life, a compilation of many of her essays and stories published in THE NEW        YORK TIMES, NEWSDAY, THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, THE EAST HAMPTON                STAR and in numerous magazines across the country. 

  What does your writing process look like? What is your favorite genre to write?
            I love to write essays and novels.  And I love reading them.

What book do you wish you could have written?
I wish I had written “Little Women,” “East of Eden” and “The Help.” I love them.

Just as your books inspire authors, what authors have inspired you to write?
Obviously, Louisa May Alcott and Steinbeck

If you could cast your characters in the Hollywood adaptation of your book, who would play your characters?
I would love to see Isabella Rossellini play the character Stella. There would be many Italian songs played during the different scenes in the movie, most notably throughout, “A Time to Say Goodbye.”

How important are names to you in your books? Do you choose the names based on liking the way it sounds or the meaning? Do you have any name choosing resources you recommend?
Yes, I chose names based on their meanings. Stella for the mother who’s head is in the stars, who dreams of stardom; Marietta, because it sounds like a marionette or puppet who is controlled by others.

What do you consider to be your best accomplishment?
Probably my novel, “Orange Peels and Cobblestones.”  It’s based on a true event and it took years to write it.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Still writing, to have written one or two other novels, to have been published in literary magazines, and to have Orange Peels and Cobblestones been made into a movie.

Were you already a great writer? Have you always liked to write?
From my early years in school I always loved to write.  My grades reflected it, too. Writing has been a source of meditation, therapy and consolation and pleasure for me.

What writing advice do you have for other aspiring authors?
Write every day and read every day. Your first draft should be from your heart and passion.  Then once you have down what you want to say, you can let your head in to organize, revise, fix  whatever needs fixing.

If you didn't like writing books, what would you do for a living?
I love teaching, which I did for a number of years.  I also would love to be a news reporter or news castor or work as an editor or be a lawyer.

Do you read your reviews? Do you respond to them, good or bad? Do you have any advice on how to deal with the bad?
I read them, but I do not respond to them except to thank them.  If and when you get negative reviews, it’s best to leave them alone. Positive or negative, it is still publicity.

What is your best marketing tip?
Tell as many people that you know about your books written and to come.  Post on your social media. Hire a publicist, if you can afford it. The best is to try to make contacts in the publishing field. 

What is your least favorite part of the publishing / writing process?
Marketing as the key is contacts and money for publicity.

Is there one subject you would never write about as an author? What is it?
I don’t think I would write about paranormal subjects. I like real life, human interactions, relationships.

Is there a certain type of scene that's harder for you to write than others? Love? Action? Racy?
Probably a sex scene.  I’ve yet to write one that is explicit.

Is this your first book? How many books have you written prior (if any?)
I have written 5 books. Orange Peels and Cobblestones, a love story and coming-of-age novel that takes place in Italy, NY and CA, based on a true experience; Ciottoli e Bucce D’Arancia, the Italian translation of the novel; The Love of Your Life, a compilation of many of my published essays and shorter pieces; The Scent of Italian Cooking, a cookbook of Italian and Italian-American recipes handed down to me by many generations of fine Italian cooks; That First Bite Chance or Choice, a self-help book on food addictions which I co-wrote with an expert in the field.

What literary character is most like you?
No sole character, but parts of different characters.  I’m a little bit like Jo and Beth in Little Women, Scooter in The Help.  I’m traditional and yet a free spirit.

What is your biggest fear?
That I will never write all the things I want to write about.

What are you working on now? What is your next project?
I’m working on my second novel and trying to market a few essays that I have written recently.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Heather Kirchhoff

2017 is going to be a FANTASTIC year filled with author interviews, excerpts, new releases and FUN!

To start the year off right - we have an interview with the amazing Heather Kirchhoff!

About Heather: 

Heather Kirchhoff lives in Missouri where she works at a nursing home and has one dog and a betta. She became a bookworm back in sixth grade when her teacher suggested the Phantom Stallion series by Terri Farley and instantly fell in love. Heather loves reading paranormal stories, plus some love ones here and there. Writing is her passion--it helps her escape the world for a while, as well as reading--she doesn't know what she'd do without it. When Heather isn't writing, she is reading, taking walks, taking pictures, or spending time with her two best friends, animals, and family.


1    What does your writing process look like? What is your favorite genre to write?
I basically just sit down and write. I love paranormal because of all of the possibilities, but I’m also starting to enjoy writing realistic fiction as well.
Do you have any strange writing habits (like standing on your head or writing in the shower)?
No, not really.
What book do you wish you could have written?
The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. It’s perfect.
Just as your books inspire authors, what authors have inspired you to write?
Richelle Mead, Alyson Noel, and Stephenie Meyer made me decide to join this crazy world of writing.
If you could cast your characters in the Hollywood adaptation of your book, who would play your characters?
Oh, that’s a tough decision. For Chris I’d do Dominic Sherwood, and for Kateline I’ll go with Zoey Deutch.
How important are names to you in your books? Do you choose the names based on liking the way it sounds or the meaning? Do you have any name choosing resources you recommend?
They’re very important. I can go through a ton of names before finding one I think fits. I choose a name that I feel like fits my character in some way.
What do you consider to be your best accomplishment?
Writing a book.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Hopefully sitting at home writing all day.
Were you already a great writer? Have you always liked to write?
No. I was terrible when I started writing. I was in seventh grade when I began creating my own worlds. 
What writing advice do you have for other aspiring authors?
Just sit down and write. Don’t tell yourself you’re going to write. Don’t wish you were writing. Do it. I struggle with this, but I’m wanting to fix it.
If you didn't like writing books, what would you do for a living?
Probably be a professional photographer.
Are you a plotter or a pantster?
Pantser, though I want to attempt to plot one book and see how it goes.
Do you read your reviews? Do you respond to them, good or bad? Do you have any advice on how to deal with the bad?
I used to, but now I don’t. I’d say just don’t allow the bad reviews to get to you. They’re going to happen no matter what, so accept it and move on. You could always use it to improve your writing.
What is your best marketing tip?
I’m still trying to figure that out myself. I’ll go with try to find new ways to promote yourself and your books.
What is your least favorite part of the publishing / writing process?
I don’t really have a least favorite. At least, not at the moment.
Is there one subject you would never write about as an author? What is it?
Hmm, I’m not sure about this. Right now, no there isn’t. That may change later on, but I can’t think of anything I wouldn’t write about.
Do you have a favorite conference to attend? What is it?
No I don’t. I’ve only attended one in my author career so far. I’m hoping to fix that soon.
Is there a certain type of scene that's harder for you to write than others? Love? Action? Racy?
Not that I’ve come across so far. It’s usually descriptions that I have a problem with.
Is this your first book? How many books have you written prior (if any?)
I’ve written about six books.
What literary character is most like you?
Sarah from The Last Night for sure. I used some of my emotions and things I’ve been through to write her story.
What is your biggest fear?
If you were a super hero what would your name be? What would your costume look like?
I honestly have no idea. I can’t come up with anything.
What are you working on now? What is your next project?
I’m working on Forever Yours, and I’m working on editing Magic #2. I’m not one hundred percent sure what my next project will be. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

My Year in Review

Phew! 2016 flew by in a blur so before I jump into everything I have planned for 2017, I decided to take a moment and review some highlights from this previous year.

2016 held some heartbreak, some uncertainties, and many blessings. For those of you who weren't aware, we lost a very precious little member of our family. My nephew, only six months old, passed away. With no other reason given other than SIDS, our family was faced with a loss that was not only unexplained but also extremely painful and shattering. It left us feeling small and vulnerable. That damn question of "Why me? Why us? Why him?" drifted throughout our waking and sleeping moments. But in the truest form of unity, we grew together as a family and held closer to the love in our lives.

Then, just when we needed it the most, we found out that my husband's little sister was pregnant. The family welcomed new life in November and have found hope that the tragic things in life make you appreciate the blessings.

In May I released a book that had been stewing on the sidelines for the past 8 years. Wounded is a story of love and heartache, of the trials and rewards of military life. It's a life that I lived through long enough to know it's obstacles and it's benefits. It also represented my journey through the publishing world and features a cover of my own design.

In August I was invited to become a part of a fantastic publishing community. I signed contracts for all of my books with Marfa House Publishing and welcomed new editing and formatting for all of my previously released books. This journey then took an interesting turn of events when I was offered a job as a graphic designer and have since surrounded myself with authors, illustrators, editors, for-matters, and a team of graphic designers that I couldn't be more proud of. I have been given the gift of living out my dreams and creating cover art for some amazing stories and authors.

In a continued effort to help promote both indie and traditional authors, I hosted an array of author and artist spotlights on my blog throughout the fall and had the opportunity to work with some amazingly talented people.

Tim Baker
Kate Marie Robbins
Cambria Hebert
Brad Boyer
ZZ Rae
Chasity Tarantino
Cookie O'Gorman
Lee Mavin
Micalea Smeltzer
Regina Wamba
SN Garza
Wondra Vanian
Jamie Sterling
Susan Coryell
Lisa Pottgen
Ashlee Sinn
JL Leslie

There are teasers and sales links as well as some reviews - if you haven't read these posts, please do! They are amazing individuals and deserve all of the recognition they can get!

2017 is going to be an even more amazing year and I am excited for the things that I have brewing in my cauldron just waiting for those finishing spices needed to create real magic! Keep your eyes and ears tuned in and see what this new year has in store!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Author Spotlight

Meet J.L.Leslie

Hi, I’m J.L. Leslie!! I am a happily married mother of three (two boys and one girl). I live in a very small town in Alabama. Never lived anywhere else. I’ve been writing since my early twenties, but I couldn’t seem to finish a book. I started self-publishing with the encouragement from my mom. Without her encouragement, I don’t think I would’ve done it. She always supported me and writing is something I’ve always enjoyed doing. As long as I enjoy it, I’ll continue to do it. I’ve learned already that I can’t please everyone. Not all reviews will be good, not all reviews will be bad. I’m the one that has to be happy with my work.

I get my inspiration from life experiences, movies, television, other authors, and music. Music is definitely a big influence on my writing. I can hear a song and it can inspire an entire book for me. I listen to it while I’m driving or before I start writing and it keeps me inspired. I like to put music in my books, even if it’s just one song the characters listen to or hear at some point. Sometimes music has gotten me through the really tough times in my life and that’s why it inspires me.

I like to write fast-paced, steamy romance reads. I like for my males to be alpha-males and my heroines to be strong, but both need to have one weakness- each other. I am an avid reader too! I absolutely love romance books! 

You can visit me on Facebook and Goodreads. I also have an author page on Amazon. Go check it out!

I currently have two family series out. All the books in each series are stand-alone, full length novels and can be read without reading all the books in the series. The Zane Series and the Morgan Family Series are both family series. The Zane series is a sibling series, while the Morgan Family Series is a series on a brother, sister, and cousin. It’s my most recent released series with 90 Days (book three) releasing on November 4th!

I also participated in a Christmas Anthology, With Love At Christmas, that releases on December 13th this year! It was such a fun experience getting to work with some amazing authors. All proceeds for the anthology are going to VETSports, an amazing charity. It feels great to be a part of something that benefits other people.

So for these series…

Tame Me (Zane Series: Book One):

Wren Davis has always been the responsible one. The caretaker. She’s always put her life on hold for others. When she takes a job as Stellan Zane’s housekeeper, she does it to take care of her sister. Her own life can wait. Only she wasn’t expecting to find him so irresistible…

Stellan Zane is used to getting what he wants, when he wants. No woman gets to him. No woman really knows about him or his past. When he lets his little sister hire him a housekeeper, Wren Davis is not what he was expecting. And she’s his employee. Yet, she’s what he wants…

Unable to fight their attraction, the two embark on a relationship that’s supposed to be uncomplicated. Allowing Wren to have the carefree life she’s never had and Stellan to enjoy the type of relationship he always gets. But when exes interfere, the unexpected happens and things become complicated, can Wren tame Stellan…and will he allow her to?

**All books in this series are stand-alone novels and can be read without reading the remaining books in the series. No cliffhangers!!**

**Due to mature content, language, talk of child abuse, violence, and explicit sexual scenes, this book is intended for mature readers only.**

Tempt Me (Zane Series: Book Two):

Dylan Zane has everything he wants. He’s co-owner of a lucrative business, rich, good-looking, and has willing women available any time he wants them. He’s never felt like he’s been missing out on anything. Until he met her…

Riley Daniels knows she shouldn’t be attracted to Dylan Zane. He insults her, makes her second-guess herself, and they argue more than they get along. But there’s times she sees another side of him and she knows there’s more to him…

They both have a past they’d rather keep hidden. But secrets have a way of coming out. Especially when you don’t want anyone to know about them.

Riley decides she’s going to tear down those walls Dylan has built and tempt him into becoming hers. He’s worth it. Isn’t he? Can she handle what it takes to tempt Dylan and will Dylan let her love him when he thinks she offers a life he doesn’t want or deserve?

Find out in the second installment of the Zane Series: Book Two. **All books in this series are stand-alone novels and can be read without reading the other books in the series. No cliffhangers.**

**Due to mature content, language, talk of child abuse, violence, and sexual scenes this book is for mature readers only.**

Tease Me (Zane Series: Book Three):

Lennon Zane has never been one to shy away from men. A fact that her two older brothers despise. But ever since her tragic childhood spent in a foster home was exposed to the media, she’s sworn off dating for a while. Until she meets him…

Swift Cole is not the type of man Lennon normally dates. He doesn’t wear a suit and tie. He’s not clean-cut. He’s a construction worker with tattoos and he plays the drums in a band. But she can’t deny she’s attracted to him…

Lennon is under scrutiny from everyone. Her brothers. Her company. The media. She wants something just for her. Better yet, someone just for her. No one needs to know. And she knows who she wants…

But will Swift agree to her rules or will he want more than she’s willing to offer? Can she abide by her own rules? Or will she break them?

Find out in Tease Me. The final installment in the Zane Series.

**Due to mature language, talk of child abuse, violence, and explicit sexual scenes, this book is intended for mature readers only.**

30 Days (Morgan Family Series: Book One):

I had a plan when I was nineteen. I would strip only until the bills were paid and I knew my sister and I wouldn’t be thrown out on the street. We would be financially stable. That was my plan. That was also three years ago. I’m still stripping.

I keep telling myself my life will change. I won’t do this much longer. I won’t need to. I don’t even believe that anymore. I still have bills. I still have a deadbeat mom. No idea where my father is. Or who he is.

Now my sister tells me she screwed up. Her future is at stake. One we’ve both worked hard for. There’s an offer for me. One I’ve refused twice now, but my resolve is slowly slipping. It’s just a job. He just wants to buy me for a little while.

He can buy me. But he’ll never own me.

**Due to mature language, adult content, and strong sexual situations, this book is intended for mature readers only.*

60 Days (Morgan Family Series: Book Two):

I had everything going for me. I was in a great relationship. I thought things were almost perfect there. Key word. Almost.

Then he asked me to change things up a bit. Try something new. And I agreed. I never should’ve agreed.

He promised things wouldn’t change between us. It would make us stronger. Bring us closer. But for the past sixty days, I’ve been living a lie. I’ve been pretending to be someone I’m not. Pretending to be happy when I’m not. All for him.

I can’t do it anymore. I can’t live like this. Sixty days is long enough. I want my life back. I want myself back. And I’m willing to change who I am to be happy again.

I don’t have to be the same old me anymore. I can become a different person. I can turn over a new leaf. I can try new things. I can even try someone new…

(If you read 30 Days Morgan Family Series: Book One) then you had the pleasure of meeting Blake Morgan. This is her story. It's a standalone, full-length novel. This book contains mature language, adult content, and sexual situation. It's intended for mature audiences only.)

I’ve written a few other books besides my family series. A couple of my favorites, would have to be Let The Waves Come In and Finding Dawn. Both of these books are stand-alone, full length novels.

Let The Waves Come In:

I’m Aubrey Somers. I’ve landed my dream job. I have a great apartment and I still keep in touch with my best friend...even though he lives hundreds of miles away. I’ve even started dating again. I have a lot going for me.

It doesn’t matter that I have to take an anti-depressant everyday or see a therapist every other week. It doesn’t matter that I refuse to drive anywhere. The wreck that ruined everything I had is almost a distant memory. Almost.

But now I have two men in my life. Two men who want to be with me. Two men I never thought I’d have the chance to be with. And I feel like I’m drowning...

“His hungry mouth consumes everything from me. All of my emotions. When he pulls away, I don’t know what to feel. What to want. Who to want.” – Let The Waves Come In

**This book contains explicit language and sexual scenes. It is meant for adult readers only.**

Finding Dawn:

Moving to California is the best decision I’ve ever made. I no longer work for my ex-fiancé’s father. I’m hundreds of miles away from my ex-fiancé. And I met a woman who completely intrigues me. Dawn. No last name.

Yeah…moving to California was a great idea.

Only I can’t seem to get Dawn out of my head. The way we met. The way she acts. The night we had together. Now she’s just gone.

She bailed on me. But I don’t give up so easily. I’ll find her.

I just wasn’t expecting what I’d find…or who…

**Finding Dawn is a bit of a dark romance. Due to mature language, graphic adult content, drug abuse, mention of rape, dark characters, and strong sexual content this book is intended for mature audiences only.**

(Finding Dawn is Drew's story from Let The Waves Come In, but is a stand-alone full length novel. It is not necessary to read Let The Waves Come In prior to reading Finding Dawn.)

Finally, my debut novel, Demons From My Past, was released December 2015. I’m quickly approaching my book anniversary! I believe I’ve learned a lot since the release of this book. I still love my debut novel and even found a way to have some characters from this book make a little cameo in my upcoming release, 90 Days (Morgan Family Series: Book Three). You’ll have to read them both to find out who makes an appearance!

Demons From My Past:

Everyone has a past. Kingsley Huxton is trying to move on from hers and repair her estranged relationship with her father. When her mother helps her get a job at her father’s hotel business, she knows she finally has a shot. She can make him see she’s changed. Earn his love and trust again. Easier said than done. Especially when she meets her sexy new co-worker, Paxton Rowe, and realizes he’s the man who just kissed her senseless! Completely senseless. In fact, she’s thought of his lips for days. When she walks into her father’s office and finds out he’s the CFO, it throws her for a loop.

How can she focus on fixing things with her father when she can’t get Paxton off her mind? Then Paxton seems to run hot and cold…playing mind games with her. They definitely have chemistry, but he’s holding back. Kingsley realizes he has a few demons of his own. She must determine if he’s worth the fight. Then when tragedy strikes, Kingsley has to battle the demons from her past and find out if she’s strong enough win!

*This book contains mature content, language, violence, drug abuse, and sexual situations. It is intended for mature readers only.*

Just released November 4th is the final installment in the Morgan Family Series, 90 Days (Morgan Family Series: Book Three). If you’ve read any of the books in this series, then you’ve already met the flawed Rhys Morgan. This is his story. Parts of it are dark and to be honest, not for everyone. You can add it to your Goodreads list and look for it on Amazon now!

90 Days (Morgan Family Series: Book Three):

I have a habit. Big deal. I manage it and I live my life. I have my friends. I have women. To them, I’m the life of the party. Until her.

I can see you, Rhys Morgan.

Why’d she have to say that to me? Why’d she have to make me believe I could deserve happiness? The majority of the time we’re around each other we don’t even like each other. We only get along when we’re doing one thing and that’s taking each other’s clothes off.

But now she’s getting in my head. She’s making me question why I do the things I do. Making me want more than I should. Making me believe I can actually have it.

Can I?...

If you’ve read 30 Days or 60 Days then you’ve met Rhys Morgan and Anniston Stone. This is their story. 90 Days (Morgan Family Series: Book Three) is a stand-alone, full length novel. It can be read without reading the other books in the series.

**This book contains graphic adult content, mature language, sexual scenes, drug abuse, and talk of rape. It is suggested for mature readers only.**

My current WIP is an MC Series that’s unlike anything I’ve ever written. It’s dark, raw, gritty, and sexy. There’s violence, romance, drama, and some kickass characters. I’m completely falling in love with it! Look for it to come soon!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Upcoming Fun...

Phew, these past few months have been a whirlwind of activity and new beginnings. It's been a fantastic experience working with Marfa House Publishing and Boquillas' Window Graphic Design. One that I am eternally grateful for... but one that has been keeping me pretty busy :)

Now that things have begun to settle down a little, I think that it's time to have a little fun. In the upcoming weeks we will be hosting some amazing Author and Artist Spotlights as well as having some pretty kick ass giveaways. I hope that you are just as excited as I am about that.

Note - If you are an author or artist that would like to have your work featured in a free promotional blog and social media spotlight, please email me at

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Happy Re-Release

In a very special Welcome Wednesday - I'd like to share with you the Re-Release of Wounded.

Here is an excerpt from Wounded. I hope that you enjoy it and that Cole and Emma can capture your heart the way they did mine!

Wounded - ©2016 Krystal George
Watching her, Cole shut down the part of his brain that would over analyze the situation and just went with his instincts. Tentatively he reached out and just barely touched her shoulder. When she turned and smiled sadly at him, he took it as encouragement and reached farther to twirl a piece of her hair around his finger. It was soft and silky and when the slight breeze caught hold of the flyaway strands, they tickled against his skin.
"I'm sure he loves you very much Emma." Cole whispered, so lost in the moment that he was leaning toward her hoping that she would inch closer his way giving him the okay to kiss her.
"You have to know someone to love them, don't you?" She asked. Her voice was shaking and a little frightened and all of the sudden he wondered if they were talking about her and her father or something else entirely.
"Sometimes, I think you just know. Regardless of anything else."
Then the moment that he had been waiting for was in front of him. Emma's eyes closed as she slowly leaned closer to him. She was so incredibly beautiful that it made his heart ache just to look at her as he closed the distance between them.
When their lips finally met, Emma felt her heart sigh. Even though she hadn't been sure she wanted him in there, her heart had always known and there couldn't have been a more perfect moment. It was a simple kiss… a sweet one. One that didn’t demand or intrude. When it was over he dropped her hair and smiled at her shyly.

And here is a little more information about me. I am looking forward to re-releasing each of my books under the Marfa House Publishing family and hope that you enjoy them as well! There are many exciting this to come over the next twelve months!

First off  - Thank you so much for taking the time to look into my imagination! It’s such an amazing feeling to dream of something in your head and then put your whole heart into putting it on paper. I feel so lucky and blessed to be able to do this and share my dreams with you!

I’ve been writing as far back as I can remember. As a young reader, I was obsessed with anything that made me scared! My shelves were littered with books from YA Horror greats like RL Stine and Christopher Pike. Then when I moved on to middle school I feel in love with Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicles and also began reading romance. Primarily for this reason, I have devoted my writing to mostly paranormal romance and stick to the YA and NA categories.

Wounded is my first book with the story planted firmly in reality! It’s a love story centered on military life and how that life has an effect on the people who live it and the relationships that are formed despite the time spent away from home. It’s a very personal story and I hope that you enjoy it!

Currently I am lucky to live in beautiful Colorado where I can see the mountains from my doorstep! I’ve been a Colorado native my entire life and have an incredible husband who supports my dreams as well as four children that help to create them. My passions include reading, writing, graphic design, and music. A rare known fact about me is that I have an intense fear of Orca’s – they didn’t get the name Killer Whale because they are nice! This is a means of constant torment from my family, but it’s all in good fun and a few nightmares are good for the soul… right?

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Sunday Spotlight

Meet Wondra Vanian

I am an American native, now living in the United Kingdom with my husband of twelve years and our army of furbabies.

After earning my BA (Hons) in English Language & Literature - the second time around - I left my job working for The Man, both to pursue a career in writing and to concentrate of finding happiness while living with a chronic mental illness.

When I’m not writing, I’m behind the lens, indulging in my love of photography; scouring the ‘net for new music; battling zombies and dragons on the Playstation; or hanging out at Comic Con.

Author's Website:
Author's Blog:


Available Titles:
Pale is the New Tan -
The Catacombs: Through the Keyhole -
A Lovely Darkness: Poetry With Heart -
The Wtiches Cavern: A Halloween Anthology -
Hindered Souls: Dark Tales for Dark Nights -
Black Candy: A Halloween Anthology of Horror -
Indiana Horror Review 2016 -

Also Available:
Jack O'Lanterns -
Grey Matter Monsters: Takers of Souls -